Tuesday, May 14, 2013

The Artist's Daughter: A Memoir (a book review)

There is nothing that fascinates me more than when someone is willing to share their story with vulnerability, grace & humility.  Alexandra Kuykendall's memoir, 'The Artist's Daughter",  challenged me in so many ways and impressed me with the candid approach she takes while sharing her journey.  I found myself gripped to her story, relating in so many ways. We each had vastly different backgrounds, and yet I felt as if she was confessing some of my own insecurities and challenges.
Kuykendall honestly shares the journey of growing up without a father and how that impacts her stages in life: childhood, marriage & motherhood.  Throughout the book, she tackles three life-defining questions: Am I lovable?  Am I loved?  Am I loving?  Despite having a different background than the author, I believe her struggles can resonate with many women.  From battles with perfectionism to a recognition that marriage, motherhood or a career will not bring us perfect satisfaction, she traces through the struggles and focuses on grace, trust & faith.
MOPS International has chosen this as their 2013 theme book and I am so excited for it to be in the hands of so many mothers.  She shares stories from leading her own MOPS group and shares milestones, joys & heartaches with those women.  Moms will find this book encouraging & challenging.  Throughout the book, I found myself shaking my head in agreement, as if to say, "oh!  Someone else struggled with this?"  And perhaps my favorite part is her journey in her prayer life---the challenge of switching from prayers focused on asking God to change her circumstances to a focus on asking God to change her.
The end of this book comes with a list of prepared discussion questions that would greatly benefit a book club, mom's group or even for personal self reflection.
**I was given this book from Revell  in exchange for my honest review**
Available May 2013 at your favorite bookseller from Revell, a division of Baker Publishing Group.