Tuesday, December 27, 2011

The Week Between

I typically love the week between Christmas and New Years.  In general, it's an opportunity to rest after the rush of the holidays & to reflect on the year that is coming to close while also preparing for the year to come.

I spend the week between in cozy clothes.  I jot notes about things that worked well in home management this past year and I dream about ways to make life run more smoothly in the year to come.  I plan goals, write to-do lists, watch old movies & enjoy finding homes for presents.

This year I started planning for this week before it even arrived.  Last year's goal-setting was so....off the mark.  For starters, I set some great goals.....but I didn't take into account the new little life that would be joining our family.  As I've mentioned time and time again....we're just "getting by" here.

And sometimes that's okay.

But as I look to 2012, I'm filled with ideas of how to make life more efficient....how to make time for what's really important...and how to create margin in the day-day "must dos".

I'm planning to re-vamp our chore schedule, my planner/planning system, do a major organization overhaul, carve out time to sharpen some skills, tackle some DIY projects in our home to truly make it our home.

I have "to read in 2012" list to be written, planning sheets to be designed and printed, a new filing system to be set up....and so on...

...however, this year's "week between" is knocking us all down.  From teething to colds, and most recently, a stomach bug, we are all slowly falling down.  I'm typing this while I rest in bed during naptime for the kids...praying that I don't fall victim to the stomach bug myself. 

So the "week between" may be a little delayed this year---but the thought is there....and while sick, the rest & old movie watching is also present.

Monday, December 5, 2011

a blown challenge

Yeah....so...blogging everyday for the month of November didn't happen.  I'm ok with that.

To catch you up:

made a mad dash to finish homeade gifts for Thanksgiving/Christmas with the in-laws
spent a week out of town at the in-laws
spent a week recovering from a week out of town
it's the next week...still feel like we're all "recovering"

the trip was great--but still exhausting.
But really it was last week's super busy work schedule that my husband had that made coming home feel so exhausting.  I think I still have one bag that has not been unpacked--and I'm ok with that.

There is no Christmas decor up....and I blew it on getting anything ready for advent---and right now, I'm ok with that.

Instead, Lucy and I have spent most mornings curled up on the couch watching cartoons and movies---with me often enjoying some pinterest viewing as well.

I have some things to share....later....like some new takes on discipline/parenting that my husband and I have discovered, a cookbook I'm really enjoying, switching insurance plans,  plans to "make-over" our home on a $0 budget, the fact that I can never find a planner I enjoy---so I'm making my own---again, prepping for potty-training?, my sweet 8-month old (not so little) guy, how I ended up with 49 bottles of dawn dish soap....and more, I'm sure.

Oh, and with the $0 budget make-over plan & the need for a new planner and organization---comes a whole host of home organizational projects.

and maybe, just maybe....I'll be able to share some of this before Christmas....