Thursday, January 12, 2012

book it!

One of my priorities in 2012 is to "seek to provide a healthy lifestyle for myself & family."

A focus area I identified was "developing my mind"--and thus, setting a goal to read at least 12 books happened.

I enjoy reading---and, I tend to read quickly when I set to it.  I'm not a fan of fiction and I enjoy reading things that may not line up with how I choose to live my life---simply because it challenges me in ways I wouldn't be otherwise.  However, I also find it really important to read books that also challenge me to develop new skills, habits & sharpen old ones in my roles.  I know many are put off by marriage and parenting books, but while I don't take everything they say to heart---I think there are often some good things to gain from reading extra books.

My book list for 2012

(I've already finished three books since we've been sick and relaxing a lot around here!)

A Love that Multiplies
Sacred Marriage (reading this with the husband--we are halfway through it from last year)
Love and Logic for Early Childhood
The Help
Wrestling Prayer
Satisfy my Thirsty Soul
Choosing to See
What Women Fear
Love Times Three
Loving the Little Years
Decision Points

I have many other books I might add to this list or change out---but I'm hopeful to finish at least 12 books by the end of the year!

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