Thursday, February 3, 2011

Wrap up of January

In the midst of trying to stay warm in record weather here in the Midwest, wiping one very snotty nose on a very grumpy little girl & resting when possible as Baby #2 is due in less than 7 weeks....I'd forgotten to post a "How we did in January" type post.

You can see what my original focus for 2011 was here.

I've had some "extra time" on my hands lately as I've not been working from home the last few weeks as I had been.  That, followed by some strong energy bursts, has led to some actual traction on these goals.

Personal: I actually have a craft space set up and I am using it!  I've been sewing a bit lately and working on some projects for baby #2.  I'm also almost finished with a book I started last week, Escape.

Household:  I've crossed off a few items on the "need to do before baby is due" list, including cleaning out our pantry and re-organizing, re-organizing the laundry shelf & deep cleaning around the washing machine and dryer.  :)

Financial:  We haven't really started the $20 bill challenge, mostly because any free time has been devoted to organizing this space...  stay tuned as we have all year to work on the $20 bill challenge, and lots of ideas...

As a Wife: I started reading a "marriage" book, Sacred InfluenceJonathan and I have been having regular date nights in and had a nice night out for his birthday---a first in months for us!

As a Mom:   Lucy and I had a "date day" last week when the temperatures soared above 50 degrees here.  We ran a few errands and grabbed some chicken nuggets to celebrate that's where I stand. 

I'm pretty pleased with progress we've been making outside of goals, specifically with preparing for baby & just enjoying down time now that there has been less work to do.  Financial strain aside, this period of not working has proved to be productive.

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